Dr. Sidhartha Hazarika

Department: Surgical Oncologist
Designation: Visiting Consultant
Qualification: MBBS (GMC, Guwahati), MS General Surgary (AIIMS, Delhi), FACS (Fellow of American College of Surgeons)

Professional Experience:
1. Senior Resident, R. G. Stone Urological Research Institute Delhi – January 2001 to May 2001
2. Senior Resident in Surgery Oncology, Institute Rotary Cancer Hospital, AIIMS Delhi – September 2001 to September 2004
3. Presently – Consultant Surgical Oncology at Guwahati, Assam in private set up since November 2004
Advanced Training & Fellowships:
1. Advanced training in Laparoscopic Oncosurgery under Dr. Shailesh Puntambekar, renowned Laparoscopic & Robotic Oncosurgeon at Galaxy Care Laparoscopy Institute, Pune, India in 2010
2. Advanced training in Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery under Professor Joel Leroy at IRCAD/EITS, Strasbourg, France in 2011
3. Fellowship in Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery under Professor Hee C. Kim, Chairman Colon and Rectal Cancer Center at Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, South Korea in 2012
4. Training in Robotic Surgery, da Vinci Si HD System under Professor Hee C. Kim, Chairman Colon and Rectal Cancer Center at Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, South Korea in 2012
5. FACS – Fellowship of American College of Surgeons 2015

Special Interests : Laparoscopic GI, Thoracic and Breast Oncology